Chris Billis Designs


Hi. I’m Chris Billis, an artist and crafter living in Vermont. I collect quality materials from thrift stores, friends, and other sources, and transform them into things.

COLLAGE: Quirky, nature based—influenced by plants and animals, community, and the landscapes and seasons of Vermont and beyond. My flagship product is the calendar; I also make prints, cards, and kits.

TEXTILES: In a home studio jam packed with gently used fabrics, I sew skirts, scarves, kids’ dresses, hats, and more. I also knit rugs from strips cut from cotton jersey and wool.

Go to the Gallery to see a medley of things I’ve made in the past and recent items that have sold.

On the Commissions page tell me about something you want me to make for you.

And please sign up for my Blog.

Thanks for visiting!

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